its been 2 or 3 years now sinse ive left
LEES house on haight..in sf..
im gonna have to admit..i always really felt out of place trying to make dance floor techy stormers in that house.
that house is like an old pirate ship, it just didn't feel right blasting repetitive robot noiz out of it.
i guess you can say i let the house's spirit take over for that year i slowly veered off the l.f.o. bass line tweeks
and went on just recording all live instruments by my self bass,drums,piano,rhodes,my vocals and what ever was around the house so then i just imagined my self making a piece of music that i would of made in the 1900s 0r 1920s...
i took my self out of this time and be came some one i was back then that whole year i became the time traveler from the past
..mabee around the time where
HENRY MILLERwas doing all his dirt and sleezing and
living and thinking his
TROPIC OF CANCER...the whores,the drunks,the poets the writers the thieves,the lost loves the whole nine the full blown mess..
i wrote this song in NYC..on forsyth st between broom and grand in china town
mashed up on Dominican mash..and cheep wine
i ran this TANGO accordion loop some say it sounds Russian..and some say it sounds Argentinian.
what ever the origin,it made me come to life..
and that person came out..of me..and ever sins this song..CRAZYED
ive been caring him with me observing the future admiring what crazy
shit that society has come up with..planes,,electric trains,computers,
quantum physic's, string theory,the idea of folding space,and the internet. we bugg out on a lot of shit:)
MS DUNEAVINCH-------------------------------
was a song that was inspired by meeting a half check half Mexican girl
from manhatten,
she was and still is one of the most talented girls ive met in nyc
we were dating for a short bit..
i was broke,out of job,no place to live,and shit out of luck,
she was the best thing to happen for me at that time
we were both crazy as fuck,and out of awer fucking minds..
she was classy,i was a bum,she had a nice job, and i was struggling for on
let just say i wasn't ready for some one like her in my life at that time.
......you could say this is an apology to her:)
the style that inspired this song was
"Your Mother Should Know" by Paul McCartneyfrom the
BEATLES..butt the unfinished verstion that i LOVE so much..
"CHICKEN OF FAYAH"----------------
this song was one of my first trys into recording drums,bass,and roads keys. inspired by
Al Green and air using samples from the movie
A WOMAN IS A WOMAN by GODARDgiving it that touch of class...
its my storie of how i came to this planet to do what im doing now and have been for millions of years
but just like a roller coaster of life you have your ups and downs and on that day i erased and retired.
then i woke up, and well, went back to what i do best, music and living this thing called life