WOWSIGH..this is a drum in bass mix i did back in the day..when i was living in sf on fell with sage for the first time,working as a bike messenger down town,husslin to get to the ranks of where i eneded up a year later that mothafucka ufo!from the phunckateck crew..
i was a totally different person then..i was like 20 wild as fuck didn't give a fuck and did fuck all i wanted at the fullest and fucking having it all the whole way no matter what they all said i wouldn't change that life for one bit... its fucking nuts,i laff at my selff just thinking of the things and pepele i took on with full on love and energy LOL!...i remember,i took my mix tapes dead serious back was like making a fucking tune now..but with all the intensity of the live element like
if you fucked up halff way you had to start all over untill the shit was mixed right..this mix tape probably took me 3 or 4 trys. i still hadn't produced any songs yet..later on that year id meet up with friend Jamie lemoine and produce songs like future moments and enemy infiltration,wich put me on the international circuit of drum in bass djs and a west coast pioneer of this new sound,
drum in bass was the new sound and we were in love in every way...oh and there was BLADE RUNNER the movie...that was my inspiration my life:)
the down load links are at the bottom seeeeee!
I fell in love w/that mix tape, I mean absolutely, struck. That tape made me want 2 see u live, that made me drive me and friends to dark spots in SF and beyond. I remember awesome happenings during that time. Me at 19. I kinda miss those days. Where can I get a digital copy of this time capsule?